Gateway time out error while generating report (run distribution) with heavy data
1. Create Test Cycle
2. Add test cases to test cycle( add around 30k cases)
3. Create report based on added test cases
Actual Result:-
504 Gateway Time-out error is displayed
Expected Result:-
Report should be successful generated
1. This issue is not seen ,if report is generated with small data(5k cases)
2. This issue exist for all reports of AIO(heavy data)
3. Attached image for reference
4.We also faced seesion time out error in many cases, where user add 4-5K cases from global repository to test cycle or move test cases to next test cycle
Hi ,Noopur
We execute suite based on release :-
3 Month release( all priority cases (30-35K), cases are qualify for test execution)
1 Month Release(high priory cases (5K) are qualify for test execution)
1 Week Patches release (Critical test cases (1.5K) are qualify for test execution)
E.g. For 3 month release cycle.We received QA build on weekly basis.
We add all cases to the first QA cycle and respective team execute them.
Based on the filter criteria we keep moving NotRun/Failed/Blocked/in Progress cases to the next QA cycle, until the completion of the release.
Additional discussion
AIO Issue List:-
1. Session time-out error while adding or moving test cases heavy data(5-6K cases)
Workaround:-( Add chuck wise date(1.5 to 2k cases)
2. Gateway time-out error while generating report with heavy data(run distribution report with 32k cases)
Workaround:-(Sending pdf file through email)
3. User need to click multiple time in order to open Folder filter(multiple folder with test cases should be available in the global repository)
Workaround:-Need to wait till opening of folder filter
4. Record per page is limited to 100
Workaround:-Need to select 100 pages and go to next page till entire selection
5. From cycle Execute offline/export date is not exporting excel/pdf heavy data(32K case)(Gateway timeout error/unknown error)
Please let me know ,if these issues are reproduced at AIO product side.
If yes, then it should be mentioned in release notes along with workaround.
If no, it should be filled. we can upgrade to the updated release after the bug fixes and with new enhancement.
Best Regards,