We've been using AIO in a specific manner, but we've encountered a small issue and wanted to check if we're correctly utilizing test cases, sets, and cycles.
Our process is as follows:
We start by creating test cases, organizing them into folders based on product areas.
These test cases are then added to test sets corresponding to their related user stories. We maintain two types of test sets:
A Regression Pack set
User story-specific sets
When executing a test cycle, we ensure it includes both the regression pack and multiple user story-oriented test cases, to represent all testing activity done for a release.
The issue arises when test cases from a user story set are also included in the regression pack cycle. In this case, the test cycle appears to reflect results for both the user story and regression pack, as the test case is linked to both.
Is this the correct way to be managing cases, sets, and cycles in AIO? Or should we be structuring them differently to avoid this overlap?
Thanks in advance for your guidance!
The management of cases and sets is perfect. Â When the same case belongs to multiple sets, and if these sets are used to create a single cycle, the cases are added only once. So, this should not cause duplicates.
Are the sets being used to create different cycles from the sets (one from regression set and one from story set)? Â Or are the cases being used as linked cases? Can you please elaborate the scenario, so that we can better understand the issue and suggest.
Regards, Niharika